Focused Moments

Thanks to our oldest son’s girlfriend, I learned a few more things about focusing my camera this afternoon. Our indoor still-life was a pinesap stalk covered in seedpods that I had discovered near the stonewall on the cowpath the other day. Somehow I’d missed it in its flowering state, so it was a welcome surprise to find it poking through the snow. I only took one–leaving the others to do their work.

pinesap pinesap 2

After trying different settings with the camera (and phone), I was ready to play outside. The beauty of today’s snowstorm became my focal point. And in the spirit of celebrating that beauty, I decided that I’m not going to name or describe the photos. I’ll let them speak for themselves.

our woods


snow in the woods

sedge seeds

aster 1


royal 1

royal 4

cinnamon 2 cinnamon fern 1


interrupted 1

pine 2

making tracks

moose scrapes

skybluepink 1



goldenrod 2

steeple 2

Thanks for stopping by to share in some of the moments I focused on today. Happy snowstorm.

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