Giving thanks post 9/11

As I was wandering about today, memories of 9/11 passed through my mind. Sadly, it’s one of those days that will forever mark time.

I was at work when a friend called and told us to turn on the TV. We spent the rest of the day shaking, crying and watching in horror as the events unfolded. In the afternoon, I sat on the couch with our young sons and tried to explain what had happened. How were they to comprehend something I didn’t get?

And then, we headed to soccer practice. I remember feeling angry that practice hadn’t been cancelled, but in reality, it was probably the best thing for all of us. It gave us a sense of normalcy and a chance to gather in community.

I also remember the first time I heard an airplane fly when the skyway was finally reopened. I had just opened the door to step outside and actually ducked under the awning at the sound of the plane, not aware in that moment of what I was doing.

My world view changed that day. But, thankfully, I live in a place where I can step outside and walk freely.

female Ichneumon Wasp

 I pay attention to what is underfoot, like this female ichneumon wasp,

green cicada

green cicada,

green frog

green frog and


American toad.


I notice those who try to hide, like this chipmunk,

grasshopper in fern


yellowjackets 2

and sleeping yellowjackets.

lady beetle

I observe the eating habits of a lady beetle,

sawfly caterpillars on quaking aspen

sawfly caterpillars,

horned caterpillar

 and a horned caterpillar.

bluejay, fall webworm

I watch a blue jay in the cherry tree and

bluejay and cat.

notice how he thrashes the fall webworm caterpillars against the bark before eating them. I assume he’s trying to get the hair off their bodies.

r e nest caught eye

I make new discoveries, like this cupped nest in the lilac bush right off the deck.

nest 3

I think it was created by a red-eyed vireo, but I could be wrong.

sawfly caterpillars ?

 I will forever question what I see and how it works, but I’m thankful that I am able to do that.

To think for myself. To wander and wonder.

Thank you to all who lost their lives that fateful day, to their families and to all who worked so hard in the days that followed and those who continue to protect us all.